SKA 參加第 15 屆 SCTA: 2024 年 10 月 3 - 4 日,瑞士巴塞爾


2025年2月12日  | LDC 數位合作夥伴

Indonesia is renowned for its Robusta coffee, which is widely produced and exported quality. It adopts specific classifications that reflect the beans’ quality, size, and processing methods to maintain quality and meet market demands. These terms and grades can be a buyers’ guide to ensure transparency and consistency in the coffee trade.

Robusta Coffee Growing Regions

Robusta coffee is cultivated across Indonesia, with production areas concentrated in the southern regions of Sumatra. South Sumatra, Lampung, and Bengkulu contribute over half of the nation’s Robusta output. Other prominent areas include East and Central Java, as well as the islands of Flores and Bali.

The geographic diversity strengthens Indonesia’s position as a global coffee supplier and adds richness to the flavor profiles of its Robusta beans.

Decoding Indonesian Robusta Terms

There are specific terms to classify and understand the different categories of Indonesian Robusta based on size, processing methods, and grade. The terms are:

  1. ELB (Extra Large Beans): Beans larger than screen size 18, showing exceptional uniformity and size. This category is often linked to premium-quality grades.
  2. EK (Eerste Kwaliteit): Derived from Dutch meaning “First Quality,” EK beans are selected for their superior standards, ensuring high-grade coffee.
  3. AP (After Polish): Beans that undergo an additional polishing process after hulling to remove the silver skin. It results in a cleaner appearance and smoother flavor that is particularly valued in Japan.
  4. WIB (West Indische Bereiding): Refers to beans processed using the wet method, where cherries are pulped with water and fermented to remove mucilage before drying. It enhances the clean and distinctive flavor profile.
  5. Low Grades: These are beans with higher defect counts and irregular sizes. They are commonly used in bulk coffee markets or for lower-end blends.

Robusta Grading System

Indonesian Robusta is also graded numerically based on defect counts in a 300-gram sample. These grades offer an indication of quality.


年級最大缺陷數(每 300 克)
1 年級≤ 11(圓豆咖啡和多胚咖啡)
2 年級12–25
3 年級26–44
4a 級45–60
4b 級61–80
5 年級81–150
6 年級151–225

For more detailed insights on the grading system, refer to our Indonesian Robusta Coffee Grading Guide 頁。

Partner in Quality Coffee

As a trusted supplier of Indonesian coffee, SKA uses this grading system to deliver premium-quality beans to clients worldwide. With branch offices across Java and Sumatra, we ensure the best beans are sourced directly from key growing regions. SKA is also committed to sustainability, in which our beans are endorsed by the 雨林聯盟. We are also actively aligning with the 歐盟無森林砍伐條例 (EUDR). By bridging Indonesia’s rich coffee heritage with global standards, SKA empowers farmers while meeting the demands of a discerning global market.

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