Indonesian Robusta coffee is known for its quality, consistency, and unique flavor profile. One of the factors behind this reputation is the Indonesian National Standards (Standar Nasional Indonesia–SNI) grading system developed by the National Standardization Agency (Badan Standardisasi Nasional–BSN). SNI ensures coffee meets quality benchmarks to protect consumers and producers while elevating Indonesian coffee’s global competitiveness.
By implementing the SNI framework, Indonesia also aligns with international standards such as the International Coffee Organization’s (ICO) Resolution 407, which prohibits the trade of low-quality coffee. The focus on quality aims to improve the appeal of Indonesian Robusta in the domestic and international markets.
The SNI grading system categorizes Robusta coffee beans into six grades based on the number of defects identified in a 300-gram sample. The system guarantees consistent quality, ensuring that every batch meets specific requirements for export or domestic consumption. It is also a tool to promote fair trade practices and consumer satisfaction globally.
Quality Classification Requirements
Grade | Maximum Defects (per 300g) |
Grade 1 | ≤ 11 (for peaberry and polyembryony coffee) |
Grade 2 | 12–25 |
Grade 3 | 26–44 |
Grade 4a | 45–60 |
Grade 4b | 61–80 |
Grade 5 | 81–150 |
Grade 6 | 151–225 |
Each defect type is assigned a specific value, reflecting its impact on quality. Defects can range from black beans to large stones or twigs.
Types and Values of Coffee Bean Defects
Defect Type | Defect Value |
1 black bean | 1 |
1 partially black bean | ½ |
1 broken black bean | ½ |
1 parchment coffee | 1 |
1 brown bean | ¼ |
1 large coffee skin | 1 |
1 medium coffee skin | ½ |
1 small coffee skin | 1/5 |
1 horn-skinned bean | ½ |
1 large horn skin | ½ |
1 medium horn skin | 1/5 |
1 small horn skin | 1/10 |
1 broken bean | 1/5 |
1 unripe bean | 1/5 |
1 bean with one hole | 1/10 |
1 bean with more than one hole | 1/5 |
1 spotted bean | 1/10 |
1 large twig, soil, or stone | 5 |
1 medium twig, soil, or stone | 2 |
1 small twig, soil, or stone | 1 |
In the case where one coffee bean has more than one defect value, the value is based on the largest defect value. Special criteria also apply for peaberry and polyembryony coffee, as follows:
Special Quality Requirements for Peaberry and Polyembryony Coffee
Type | Criteria | Unit | Requirements |
Peaberry | Without passing sieve provisions | % mass fraction | Max pass 5 |
Polyembryony | Without passing sieve provisions and not classified as broken beans | - | - |
The SNI grading system positions Indonesian coffee as a reliable choice for international buyers and meets the demands of quality-conscious markets. At SKA, we uphold these standards by delivering coffee that embodies that commitment to excellence.
As an added advantage, SKA’s coffee is endorsed by the Rainforest Alliance, ensuring environmental, social, and economic sustainability. SKA is also preparing to comply with the EU’s Deforestation-Free Regulation (EUDR). It is our latest effort to solidify our dedication to responsible sourcing and global market alignment.
Commercial-grade Robusta also uses several industry-specific abbreviations to describe bean quality, size, and preparation method, such as:
Read more about the differences in commercial grades on our Indonesian Robusta Coffee Classifications page.